Thank goodness for people like Mark Blevis and Bob Goyetche. For podcasting ‘newbies’ like me, Sunday’s Podcamp Ottawa was a godsend.
I missed Charles Hodgson’s session on WordPress, but got a ton of great info from the roundtable discussion that followed. I also really appreciated Bob’s Audacity demonstration and picked up a couple of tips that will certainly make my life easier.
A couple of interesting things came out of the discussions, including the possibility that a podcasting wiki be developed, which would include a step-by-step basic guide to podcasting. I would LOVE to have my hand held through the basic process just once, then go off to tweak and explore new techniques afterwards. As a non-instruction-reading-non-techie, I find it can be daunting to try to figure software out by myself and having a clear and basis step-by-step process to follow to the letter would definitely help bring my confidence levels up.
As a bonus to the day, I met a lot of really interesting people and have a few potential podcasts on my radar. Can’t wait to see them come to life.
So thanks, Mark, Bob and Charles (and our host, the NAC), for a great… encouraging… event. Cheers!
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