The state of the blogosphere according to Technorati: 2009 edition

Technorati has unveiled its annual report on the state of the blogging world. 2900 bloggers were surveyed. Half of the respondents were based in the U.S.A.

Details of the report will be disclosed over five days, according to the following subjects:

Day 1 – Who Are the Bloggers?

Day 2 – The What and Why of Blogging

Day 3 – The How of Blogging

Day 4 – Monetization And Revenue Generation: Brands in the Blogosphere

Day 5 – 2009 Trends: Political Impact of Blogging, Twitter Usage

A few revealing stats on this first day of the unveiling of the report:

• Two-thirds are male
• 60% are 18-44
• The majority are more affluent and educated than the general population
•  75% have college degrees
•  40% have graduate degrees
•  One in three has an annual household income of $75K+
•  One in four has an annual household income of $100K+
•  Professional and self-employed bloggers are more affluent: nearly half have an annual household income of $75,000 and one third topped the $100,000 level
• More than half are married
• More than half are parents
• Half are employed full time, however ¾ of professional bloggers are employed full time.
• 86% have been blogging for at least a year.
• About half of respondents have written blogs before the one the one they write now, as have 60% of the self-employed.
• 35 percent of all respondents have worked within the traditional media as a writer, reporter, producer, or on-air personality.

Yes, Virginia, it would indeed seem that it is possible to blog AND have a full life. Or a busy one, at least.

UPDATE: Day 2 of the report is now online. I’ll continue to add links above through the week, as results become available.

3 réponses à “The state of the blogosphere according to Technorati: 2009 edition”
  1. Avatar de Deborah Hinton

    Only one third are women!? What’s going on there do you think?

  2. Avatar de Michelle Sullivan

    This statistic struck me as well. I would have accepted it, no problem, if we’d been talking about professional blogs only. Those do seem to be dominated by men. But since the mix is personal as well as professional, I admit I’m a little surprised. I would think that women dominate personal blogs, and that the two would kinda even out or even tip slightly in favour of women.

    Why do I perceive men as dominating professional blogs? Look around – tech blogs? Men. Even PR blogs are heavy on testosterone, which is astounding considering that women dominate the profession. Conference speakers? A majority are men. In fact, there has been a lot of discussion this past year about what is needed to bring women to the speaker’s podium.

    Mea culpa: As I look back on 3e mardi | Third Tuesday events, I realize that our speakers have largely been men. Women have participated, but often as part of a panel. In fact, unless I’m mistaken, Michelle Blanc is the only woman to have done a solo 3MTT, while three women from the Douglas Institute presented in June 2008. So that represents only 2 evenings out of a dozen or so since we launched in 2008. Hrm … why is that? Is it that our committee has a gender bias? I don’t think so. Are we just lazy? Maybe. I think it’s just that men have managed to sell themselves better than women, are more active in blogs, Twitter etc and therefore are top of mind when it comes to inviting speakers. As more and more Montreal PR and marketing professionals start to add social media to the mix, and as more women start to blog professionally, hopefully that will change.

    We’re always open to speaker proposals, by the way, so feel free to get in touch if you’re interested or if you’d like to suggest a speaker.

  3. Avatar de Deborah Hinton

    I think this is definitely worth further reflection. Off the top of my head, I wonder for blogging if it isn’t that women are … more into personal relationships and fewer transactions. I think the unfulfilled potential for blogging is real conversation. I don’t see it very often online. And even in this interaction I just want to pick up the phone or meet you for a coffee to discuss… A woman thing? Less about the megaphone.

    And of course if that were true it would relate to your second observation/question – why so few women speakers. I’m thinking… and will definitely give this more thought and will get back to you – online or in person?

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