6 things – the summer meme redux

Summer silliness.  Serious readers, avert your eyes.  We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program as of the next blog post.

So here is the classic 6 things summer meme, 2008 edition.

Dave tagged Bob.  Bob tagged me and other tag-victims including Laurent Lasalle, Stevie Z, John Meadows, Tom Lucier, and Mark Blevis.

The game? Post six random things that people didn’t know about you (me).

Random rules (hat tip to Connie Crosby):
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So in the spirit of community … which is what social media is all about after all … here we go:

1. I’m a Franco-Ontarian, not a born-and-bred Montrealer : grew up in beautiful Bramalea, north of Toronto.  My Irish father kidnapped (no, not really) my Québécoise mother and brought her into hostile territory during Expo 67.  She barely spoke English.  He didn’t speak a word of French. I guess they connected on another level.

2. It’s like nails scraping down a chalkboard for me when waiters bring a basket of bread to the table with those little plastic butter containers plopped in there like that.  Ugh.

3. I’m about to launch a podcast under a pseudonym with a friend of mine that will address issue #2, among other things.  Really.  Like any day now.  So there’s a hint for anyone who might be wondering who that magnificient and witty podcast host might be when they hear the show for the first time.

4. My best friends are Polish punks-cum-dub reggae musicians.  I adore them and wish I could be on tour with them right now.

5. I also adore my wonderful 21 month old nephew Caleb.  (wait .. that’s like the worst-kept secret on Facebook.  Scratch that.)

5. I secretly want to do a podcast on cemeteries and death, and take my show on the road while I’m in Varanasi, but am afraid only teenage goths would be listening.  The working title, Les cimetières n’ont pas de cannibales (cemeteries don’t have cannibals)  was from a surrealist Belgian poet named Guégan.  I haunt cemeteries.  They’re my favourite places.  Some of my boyfriends actually liked that about me.  Others tolerated it, a little bemused. Yes, I’m single now.

6. I was a very picky eater as a child.  When I didn’t like something (usually meat) I’d toss it nonchalently under the dining room table.  We didn’t have a dog or cat at the time.  My mother never said a word.  When I mentioned it to her years later she blinked and said she just thought we were messy eaters. 

So tag, you’re it: Bob LeDrew, Dave Fleet, Tod Maffin, M-C Turgeon,  Sébastien Provencher and .. why not .. David Usher.  Now that’s an interesting list.

3 réponses à “6 things – the summer meme redux”
  1. Avatar de Sophie Labelle

    Moi j’écouterais ton podcast sur les cimetières Michelle ! Ça m’intrigue… Suis-je une gothique ?!

  2. Avatar de Michelle Sullivan

    (English follow)

    Oh! En me relisant, suite au commentaire de Sophie, je viens de me rendre compte que je me suis trompée en rédigeant ce billet – c’est plutôt : Les cannibales n’ont pas de cimetières (et non vice versa). Quelle bévue! Mille regrets, Monsieur Guégan!

    Une chance que Muriel Ide ne me lit pas !

    (here’s the English)
    This is a kinda funny freudian (or something) slip : rereading my text after receiving Sophie’s comment, I realize I inversed the order of words in the Guégan quote. It should read « Les cannibales n’ont pas de cimetières » (and not vice versa) … or, in English, « Cannibals don’t have cemeteries ». Which makes a ton more sense. My apologies, Monsieur Guégan,

  3. Avatar de Mu

    « Les cannibales n’ont pas de cimetière »
    Je croyais que c’était de Marcel Mariën…

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