Website grader

It really is quite amazing the number of tools out there to help you ensure you’re getting the right amount of online visibility. One is Website Grader by HubSpot. Here’s what it had to say about this blog :

  • A website grade of 90/100 for means that of the hundreds of thousands of websites that have previously been evaluated, our algorithm has calculated that this site scores higher than 90% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness.
  • Readability Level : Secondary / High School
    This score measures the approximate level of education necessary to read and understand the web page content. In most cases, the content should be made to be simple so that a majority of the target audience can understand it.
  • Congratulations! This domain is registered for more than one year.
    Google and other search engines like to see domains that have been registered for extended periods of time as this shows a commitment to the domain name. It also is an indicator that this website is not a temporary spam site.
  • Google PageRank : 4
    Google PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves important weigh more heavily and help to make other pages important.

    • 0-3 : New sites or sites with very minimal links
    • 4-5 : Popular sites with a fair amount of inbound links
    • 6 : Very popular sites that have hundreds of links, many of them quality links
    • 7-10 : Usually media brands (, big companies or A-list bloggers.
  • Google Indexed Pages : 356
    This number is the approximate number of pages on that have been stored in the Google index. The Google web crawler will visit the website periodically and look for new content for its index. Generally, the more pages your site has within the Google cache, the better.
  • Last Google Crawl Date : April 02, 2008 @ 06 :10 AM
    Google will periodically crawl websites looking for new and updated content. In general, you want Google to crawl your site as often as possible, so your new content shows up in Google search results immediately.
  • Traffic Rank : Top 17.74%
    Alexa is an online service that measures traffic for millions of sites on the Internet in a similar way to Nielsen television show ratings. Your website has an Alexa rank of 2,661,167 which is in the top 17.74% of all web sites.
  • Inbound Links : 3,093
    One of the most important measures for a website is how many other sites link to it. The more links the better. Having links to your website from authoritative resources on the Internet helps you rank higher in search engines since these links are an indication that your website is trustworthy and contains good content.

Not sure how I got 3000+ links …

Now, the report also says Eminence Grise isn’t listed in Technorati, so I’m not 100% convinced about its accuracy, but the information it holds certainly gives food for thought.

How does your website or blog rank?

4 réponses à “Website grader”
  1. Avatar de georgeradio

    Thank you, Michelle, this was useful indeed.

  2. Avatar de Sophie Labelle
    Sophie Labelle

    Très intéressant. Je l’ai essayé pour le site Web de Moisson Montréal… Il me suggère d’ajouter un blog :o)

  3. Avatar de Michelle Sullivan
    Michelle Sullivan

    @sophie labelle : Tu ne me dis pas 🙂

  4. Avatar de Linker

    Bonjour, je suis americain et comprend pas tut but votre blog aide moi beaucoup. Merci beaucup.

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