Success! Got my MP3 out, my feeds working and my show notes posted. The Aquinas8788 podcast is officially out there.
There are definitely some production things I’ll want improve for next time. Any feedback would be appreciated. I’m aiming to get episode 2 out by the end of January, making this a monthly podcast, which seems reasonable given the interview logistics.
I’m thinking I won’t add this to the iTunes directory, just because it is so niche and I’m so new at this. Besides, most of my target audience will be coming at this through Facebook.
I’ll think about it.
But I’m pretty satisfied that I managed to plod through it all the technical aspects of podcasting which often seemed overwhelming as I worked to figure out basic things like how to transfer my audio file to my computer, Audacity editing and MP3 creation. Now that I’m done, of course, it all seems like a piece of cake.
I’m thinking I’ll be tackling a pilot podcast for my Telecom Hall of Fame client in the new year. There is a lot of great interview footage already in the vaults with people like Ted Rogers and I have a former telecom journalist ready to contribute a 5 minute segment for each episode. I can’t wait to start putting it together.
All the best for the holiday season. Enjoy it.
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