LinkedIn back in the spotlight

After being in the shadows of more flamboyant networks like Facebook and Twitter for years, LinkedIn, the social network for business is quietly making its way back into the spotlight this year. Nowhere have I been made as acutely aware of this reality as yesterday evening at the Irish Canada Chamber of Commerce event where I was an invited speaker. While my presentation aimed at small business and focused primarily on B2C communications, with a little B2B thrown in for good measure, my audience was obviously hungry for information on how to better leverage LinkedIn. Unfortunately, given time constraints, it was a network I had chosen to leave off the menu. Lesson learned!

Needless to say I’ve already started working on a LinkedIn presentation for the B2B market, which will be available soon. Here are some interesting resources for you, if you’re hungry for more right now:

LinkedIn Traffic Statistics and User Demographics 2013
Glen Cathey of Boolean Black Belt presents demographics compiled from Quantast, in video format. He notes a dramatic increase in daily uniques and mobile traffic between 2013 and 2011. LinkedIn has added 40 million monthly visitors since 2011. Canada round out the Top 5 countries using LinkedIn, and India has just passed Britain at number 2. Interesting fact for companies and entrepreneurs interested in this emerging market. Asians as a whole are strongly represented on the professional networking platform. And ladies, where are you? Men outrank women on LinkedIn at almost 2:1.

LinkedIn for Businesses and Brands Webinar
Our good friend Chris Penn at Shift Communications shares his insight via webinar, audio and pdf. He talks, among other things, about lead acquisition, strategic content sharing and competitive research. Chris is a sharp mind with years of experience in the social media space. Check him out.

New LinkedIn features for B2B marketing
Susanne Colwyn discusses two changes made by LinkedIn in July affecting B2B marketers. You can now sponsor updates, much as you do with promoted tweets. Colwyn also breaks down changes to LinkedIn analytics, including more detailed demographics.

I hope you’ll check out my upcoming presentation on B2B marketing and LinkedIn. Details to follow.

Until then, join me on LinkedIn!

3124.LinkedIn logo

2 réponses à “LinkedIn back in the spotlight”
  1. Avatar de kfz versicherung prozente verjährung

    It’s a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly

  2. Avatar de aktuell zins immobilienkredit rechner

    End boss of SMTII, and yes, you can ally with Lucifer in II and III. There’s a certain ending of III that implies that you become the demon who ultimately leads the war on heaven, to boot.Ooooooffff course, they’re Japanese games.

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