When I’m invited to speak about social media, my secret (or not so secret) goal is to inspire people to explore it on a deeper level. To understand the power .. . and thrill … of tribes and niches. To realize that we live in an era where we can actually reach out to people we’d never have met, otherwise.
Tom Foremski is someone I invariably cite in my « Media relations in the digital age » presentation, because of his (in)famous 2006 « Die Press Release, Die! Die!Die! » article.
Social media not only helped me discover Tom, but also allowed me to connect to him on Facebook and Twitter.
It’s nice to be able to exchange ideas with someone like Tom. The following exchange between us on Facebook is typical of how social media can help everyone (not only PR professionals) connect with people of interest:
Tom Foremski Protestors with « Deathpads. »
The Wrong Kind Of Killer Marketing: SF Vigil For Dead iPad Workers Thursday Eve At Apple Store – SVW
www.siliconvalleywatcher.comMichelle Sullivan
Well, my mother refused the gift of an iPad I offered her for her birthday because of these reports. One less client, at least. Sad state of affairs.Tom Foremski
Wow. Interesting to hear that people are making a choice.
Cool. Social media. What’s not to love?
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